Expert PKI

The Expert PKI consist of a root CA, an intermediate CA, and two signing CAs.


We assume a company named Blue AB, controlling the domain The company operates a flexible, multi-level PKI.


To construct the PKI, we start with the Blue Root CA followed by the intermediate Blue Network CA. We then use the Network CA to create the two signing CAs: Blue Identity CA and Blue Component CA. With the CAs in place, we proceed to issue certificates to users and network components respectively.

All commands are ready to be copy/pasted into a terminal session. When you have reached the end of this page, you will have built a PKI with both intermediate and signing CAs and issued all major types of user certificates.

To get started, fetch the Expert PKI example files and change into the new directory:

git clone
cd pki-example-3

1. Create Root CA

1.1 Create directories

mkdir -p ca/root-ca/private ca/root-ca/db crl certs
chmod 700 ca/root-ca/private

1.2 Create database

cp /dev/null ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.db
cp /dev/null ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.db.attr
echo 01 > ca/root-ca/db/
echo 01 > ca/root-ca/db/

1.3 Create CA request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/root-ca.conf \
    -out ca/root-ca.csr \
    -keyout ca/root-ca/private/root-ca.key

1.4 Create CA certificate

openssl ca -selfsign \
    -config etc/root-ca.conf \
    -in ca/root-ca.csr \
    -out ca/root-ca.crt \
    -extensions root_ca_ext \
    -enddate 20301231235959Z

2048-bit RSA keys are deemed safe until 2030 (RSA Labs).

1.5 Create initial CRL

openssl ca -gencrl \
    -config etc/root-ca.conf \
    -out crl/root-ca.crl

2. Create Network CA

2.1 Create directories

mkdir -p ca/network-ca/private ca/network-ca/db crl certs
chmod 700 ca/network-ca/private

2.2 Create database

cp /dev/null ca/network-ca/db/network-ca.db
cp /dev/null ca/network-ca/db/network-ca.db.attr
echo 01 > ca/network-ca/db/
echo 01 > ca/network-ca/db/

2.3 Create CA request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/network-ca.conf \
    -out ca/network-ca.csr \
    -keyout ca/network-ca/private/network-ca.key

2.4 Create CA certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/root-ca.conf \
    -in ca/network-ca.csr \
    -out ca/network-ca.crt \
    -extensions intermediate_ca_ext \
    -enddate 20301231235959Z

Intermediate CAs should have the same life span as their root CAs.

2.5 Create initial CRL

openssl ca -gencrl \
    -config etc/network-ca.conf \
    -out crl/network-ca.crl

2.6 Create PEM bundle

cat ca/network-ca.crt ca/root-ca.crt > \

3. Create Identity CA

3.1 Create directories

mkdir -p ca/identity-ca/private ca/identity-ca/db crl certs
chmod 700 ca/identity-ca/private

3.2 Create database

cp /dev/null ca/identity-ca/db/identity-ca.db
cp /dev/null ca/identity-ca/db/identity-ca.db.attr
echo 01 > ca/identity-ca/db/
echo 01 > ca/identity-ca/db/

3.3 Create CA request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/identity-ca.conf \
    -out ca/identity-ca.csr \
    -keyout ca/identity-ca/private/identity-ca.key

3.4 Create CA certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/network-ca.conf \
    -in ca/identity-ca.csr \
    -out ca/identity-ca.crt \
    -extensions signing_ca_ext

3.5 Create initial CRL

openssl ca -gencrl \
    -config etc/identity-ca.conf \
    -out crl/identity-ca.crl

3.6 Create PEM bundle

cat ca/identity-ca.crt ca/network-ca-chain.pem > \

4. Create Component CA

4.1 Create directories

mkdir -p ca/component-ca/private ca/component-ca/db crl certs
chmod 700 ca/component-ca/private

4.2 Create database

cp /dev/null ca/component-ca/db/component-ca.db
cp /dev/null ca/component-ca/db/component-ca.db.attr
echo 01 > ca/component-ca/db/
echo 01 > ca/component-ca/db/

4.3 Create CA request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/component-ca.conf \
    -out ca/component-ca.csr \
    -keyout ca/component-ca/private/component-ca.key

4.4 Create CA certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/network-ca.conf \
    -in ca/component-ca.csr \
    -out ca/component-ca.crt \
    -extensions signing_ca_ext

4.5 Create initial CRL

openssl ca -gencrl \
    -config etc/component-ca.conf \
    -out crl/component-ca.crl

4.6 Create PEM bundle

cat ca/component-ca.crt ca/network-ca-chain.pem > \

5. Operate Identity CA

5.1 Create identity request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/identity.conf \
    -out certs/fred-id.csr \
    -keyout certs/fred-id.key

DN: C=SE, O=Blue AB, CN=Fred Flintstone,

5.2 Create identity certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/identity-ca.conf \
    -in certs/fred-id.csr \
    -out certs/fred-id.crt \
    -extensions identity_ext

5.3 Create PKCS#12 bundle

openssl pkcs12 -export \
    -name "Fred Flintstone (Blue Identity)" \
    -caname "Blue Identity CA" \
    -caname "Blue Network CA" \
    -caname "Blue Root CA" \
    -inkey certs/fred-id.key \
    -in certs/fred-id.crt \
    -certfile ca/identity-ca-chain.pem \
    -out certs/fred-id.p12

5.4 Create encryption request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/encryption.conf \
    -out certs/fred-enc.csr \
    -keyout certs/fred-enc.key

DN: C=SE, O=Blue AB, CN=Fred Flintstone,

5.5 Create encryption certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/identity-ca.conf \
    -in certs/fred-enc.csr \
    -out certs/fred-enc.crt \
    -extensions encryption_ext

5.6 Create PKCS#12 bundle

openssl pkcs12 -export \
    -name "Fred Flintstone (Blue Encryption)" \
    -caname "Blue Identity CA" \
    -caname "Blue Network CA" \
    -caname "Blue Root CA" \
    -inkey certs/fred-enc.key \
    -in certs/fred-enc.crt \
    -certfile ca/identity-ca-chain.pem \
    -out certs/fred-enc.p12

5.7 Revoke certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/identity-ca.conf \
    -revoke ca/identity-ca/02.pem \
    -crl_reason superseded

5.8 Create CRL

openssl ca -gencrl \
    -config etc/identity-ca.conf \
    -out crl/identity-ca.crl

6. Operate Component CA

6.1 Create TLS server request, \
openssl req -new \
    -config etc/server.conf \
    -out certs/ \
    -keyout certs/

DN: C=SE, O=Blue AB,

6.2 Create TLS server certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/component-ca.conf \
    -in certs/ \
    -out certs/ \
    -extensions server_ext

6.3 Create TLS client request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/client.conf \
    -out certs/net-mon.csr \
    -keyout certs/net-mon.key

DN: C=SE, O=Blue AB, CN=Blue Network Monitoring

6.4 Create TLS client certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/component-ca.conf \
    -in certs/net-mon.csr \
    -out certs/net-mon.crt \
    -extensions client_ext

6.5 Create time-stamping request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/timestamp.conf \
    -out certs/tsa.csr \
    -keyout certs/tsa.key

DN: C=SE, O=Blue AB, OU=Blue TSA, CN=Blue TSA

6.6 Create time-stamping certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/component-ca.conf \
    -in certs/tsa.csr \
    -out certs/tsa.crt \
    -extensions timestamp_ext \
    -days 1826

6.7 Create OCSP-signing request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/ocspsign.conf \
    -out certs/ocsp.csr \
    -keyout certs/ocsp.key

DN: C=SE, O=Blue AB, CN=Blue OCSP Responder

6.8 Create OCSP-signing certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/component-ca.conf \
    -in certs/ocsp.csr \
    -out certs/ocsp.crt \
    -extensions ocspsign_ext \
    -days 14

6.9 Revoke certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/component-ca.conf \
    -revoke ca/component-ca/02.pem \
    -crl_reason superseded

6.10 Create CRL

openssl ca -gencrl \
    -config etc/component-ca.conf \
    -out crl/component-ca.crl

7. Publish Certificates

7.1 Create DER certificate

openssl x509 \
    -in ca/root-ca.crt \
    -out ca/root-ca.cer \
    -outform der

All published certificates must be in DER format. MIME type: application/pkix-cert. [RFC 2585#section-4.1]

7.2 Create DER CRL

openssl crl \
    -in crl/network-ca.crl \
    -out crl/network-ca.crl \
    -outform der

All published CRLs must be in DER format. MIME type: application/pkix-crl. [RFC 2585#section-4.2]

7.3 Create PKCS#7 bundle

openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl \
    -certfile ca/identity-ca-chain.pem \
    -out ca/identity-ca-chain.p7c \
    -outform der

PKCS#7 is used to bundle two or more certificates. MIME type: application/pkcs7-mime. [RFC 5273#page-3]