Email Certificate Request Configuration File

# Email certificate request

# This file is used by the openssl req command. Since we cannot know the DN in
# advance the user is prompted for DN information.

[ req ]
default_bits            = 4096                  # RSA key size
encrypt_key             = yes                   # Protect private key
default_md              = sha256                # MD to use
utf8                    = yes                   # Input is UTF-8
string_mask             = utf8only              # Emit UTF-8 strings
prompt                  = yes                   # Prompt for DN
distinguished_name      = email_dn              # DN template
req_extensions          = email_reqext          # Desired extensions

[ email_dn ]
0.domainComponent       = "1. Domain Component         (eg, com)      "
1.domainComponent       = "2. Domain Component         (eg, company)  "
2.domainComponent       = "3. Domain Component         (eg, pki)      "
organizationName        = "4. Organization Name        (eg, company)  "
organizationalUnitName  = "5. Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)  "
commonName              = "6. Common Name              (eg, full name)"
commonName_max          = 64
emailAddress            = "7. Email Address            (eg, name@fqdn)"
emailAddress_max        = 40

[ email_reqext ]
keyUsage                = critical,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage        = emailProtection,clientAuth
subjectKeyIdentifier    = hash
subjectAltName          = email:move